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May 12, 2023

Important Information:

  • Men’s Breakfast May 27: Please let the men of your group know that the next Men’s breakfast is on Saturday, May 27.  This would be great for you to attend with the men in your HFG, and also a great opportunity for the men in your group to invite others to.

Application Questions:

1. Read Psalm 78:1-35. How does the summary description of Israel’s inclination to forget God’s mighty deeds when their circumstances changed serve as a corrective to us?

2. Read John 3:27 and Acts 17:25. How do these explicit statements about God’s provision of all good things help reorient our perspective of God?

3. Read Matthew 7:11 and Psalm 34:4-10. In what ways do these verses inspire and motivate us to seek God and ask for his goodness, even when circumstances appear unfavorable?

4. Read Malachi 3:6 and Numbers 23:19. Why should the doctrine of God’s immutability bring us comfort amidst the constant changes around us?

5. Read Psalm 102:25-28 and Revelation 20:4. How do these verses provide strength when considering the ultimate future direction of the world?